Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The opposite of study days

So you know how during study days you always mean to study but are for some reason 20x more susceptible to all those little gadgets and games that help us procrastinate. Like the other day I decided to play a game of jetman. You know what, it's just not as fun when I don't have 3 tests and a presentation coming up. Don't get me wrong, it's still mind-numbingly fun! Well, now that we're well into summer most of us don't have the pressure of tests, papers, and presentations to make wasting time more appealing. The majority of us have loads of time and due to the surplus have begun doing unthinkable things. Studying for tests. Exercising. Reading books! I say end the madness. This post will equip you with many tools to keep your minds nice and mushy. Remember the UNCF mantra: "A mind is a terrible thing..."

- TFLN - www.textsfromlastnight.com
Let the area code stereotyping commence.

-Exploding dog - www.explodingdog.com
send titles. get pictures. it's simple

- Christmas? - www.isitchristmas.com
did i go to this site on christmas? Ironically, no.
you'll think it's dumb, but just wait until the second
time you check it.

- GMH - www.givesmehope.com
Kinda the opposite of FML

- FML - www.fmylife.com
speaking of which

- some youtube gems -
WTF blanket - the way the infomercial should go
comfort wipe - this is real. Thanks Liz.
sequel - mostly tho... that guy is built and has a yacht! I'll call the number.
hawaii chair - just wrong. Looks like a "that's what she said" waiting to happen
News fight - Dyaaaaaaaamn!

You're Welcome!

1 comment:

    Especially the comfort wipe. HAHAHAHA
